Had an exponentially good time with The Warbow Society and The Traditional Archers of Woodley Park: friendly faces, gobs of vitamin D from the blazing SoCal sun, and a goodly amount of trunk and leg exertion hurling arrows for distance and retrieving them. One activity hitting 3 important checkboxes all at once.
And no sproing!

Warmed up with hellos and smiles — the human connection being the most important thing of all, without which I’d still be sighing over books and arcane pictures. Ron and Rebecca were especially welcoming as they walked me through my first exposure to a Mongolian horse bow. Thumb ring and arrow on the right side of the bow clarified…and there’s a follow through with the bow hand! With its own name! Definitely bookmarked for future exploration.
Then range of motion work. Then shooting with my Galaxy Sage 35# at 15 yds to warm up and confirm basic technique with no twinges.
Finally shooting clout (maximal distance ground targets) with the Sage. Got out to about 195 yds, aiming at 45 degrees skyward, and a 12 foot group at 175 yds.

Finally a handful of arrows with a 65 lb. “light” English warbow, a nice yew and bamboo composite.
The forged points for the English warbows are in the neighborhood of 2-350 grains. With ash or similar wooden shafts behind them, the arrows weigh about 1/4 pound each.

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